The following is a summary of the grammar of the Java query language.
COMPLETE_QUERY : SET_EXPRESSION | DELIMITED_QUERY ; SET_EXPRESSION : SET_EXPRESSION SET_OPERATOR SET_EXPRESSION | '(' SET_EXPRESSION ')' | VALUE_LIST | 'execute' SET_EXPRESSION | 'previous' | literalString | 'all' 'annotations' | 'unset' nameSymbol | SAVING_NAME SET_EXPRESSION | SAVING_NAME TRANSFORM | VALUE_EXPRESSION SET_EXPRESSION | SET_EXPRESSION 'that' Identity FILTER | 'class' literalString | 'package' literalString | 'all' 'classes' | 'all' StringConstant | 'all' 'packages' | ImportExpression | TRANSFORM SET_EXPRESSION # or the name of a saved set expression ; DELIMITED_QUERY : SET_EXPRESSION ';' | DELIMITED_QUERY ';' | DELIMITED_QUERY SET_EXPRESSION ; SET_OPERATOR : 'union' | 'intersection' | 'deintersection' | 'without' ; VALUE_LIST : '(' ')' | 'list' | 'list' VALUE_EXPRESSION | VALUE_EXPRESSION ',' VALUE_EXPRESSION | VALUE_LIST ',' VALUE_EXPRESSION ; SAVING_NAME : 'set' nameSymbol 'to' ; TRANSFORM : 'same' | FILTER | TRANSFORM SET_OPERATOR TRANSFORM | '(' TRANSFORM ')' | VALUE_EXPRESSION | 'recursive' '(' TRANSFORM ')' | 'recursive' '(' TRANSFORM ',' TRANSFORM ')' | 'uncorrelated' '(' SET_EXPRESSION ')' | 'unique' | 'cast' TypeSpec | 'annotations' 'of' | 'annotations' 'with' | VALUE_EXPRESSION TRANSFORM | TRANSFORM TRANSFORM | TRANSFORM 'that' Identity FILTER | 'arguments' 'of' | 'any' 'class' | 'recursive' 'base' 'classes' 'of' | 'base' 'classes' 'of' | 'recursive' 'derived' 'classes' 'of' | 'derived' 'classes' 'of' | 'methods' 'in' | 'fields' 'in' | 'polymorphic' | 'calls' 'from' | Reference 'from' | StringConstant Reference 'from' | Reference 'to' | 'calls' 'to' | 'catches' 'of' | 'catches' 'in' | 'fields' 'with' | 'methods' 'with' | 'arguments' 'with' | 'packages' 'in' | 'classes' 'in' | 'resources' 'containing' | 'resources' 'with' 'names' # or the name of a saved transform ; VALUE_EXPRESSION : literalString | number | 'to' 'string' | '(' VALUE_EXPRESSION ')' | 'substitute' '(' VALUE_EXPRESSION ',' VALUE_EXPRESSION ')' | 'substitute' '(' VALUE_EXPRESSION ',' VALUE_EXPRESSION ',' VALUE_EXPRESSION ')' | GROUP_EXPRESSION | VALUE_EXPRESSION '&' VALUE_EXPRESSION | 'same' | 'each' | GROUP_EXPRESSION 'of' '(' TRANSFORM ')' | 'date' '(' literalString ')' | 'annotated' 'by' | 'classes' 'of' | Types 'of' | VALUE_EXPRESSION VALUE_EXPRESSION | StringConstant | Types | 'classes' 'containing' | 'classes' 'with' | 'methods' 'containing' | 'methods' 'called' 'by' | 'fields' 'referenced' 'by' | StringConstant 'referenced' 'by' | 'type' 'referenced' 'by' | 'methods' 'of' | 'packages' 'of' | 'names' 'of' | 'bundles' 'containing' | 'array' 'of' ; Identity : 'is' | 'are' ; FILTER : 'not' FILTER | 'exists' '(' TRANSFORM ')' | '(' FILTER ')' | FILTER 'and' FILTER | FILTER 'or' FILTER | FILTER 'xor' FILTER | VALUE_EXPRESSION RELATIONAL_OPERATOR VALUE_EXPRESSION | VALUE_EXPRESSION '~=' VALUE_EXPRESSION | '~' literalString | 'matching' literalString | 'write' | 'is' 'array' | 'is' 'reference' 'type' | 'public' | 'private' | 'protected' | 'package' | 'abstract' | 'static' | 'interface' | 'deprecated' | 'uncalled' | UncalledPolymorphic ; StringConstant : 'string' | 'strings' ; ImportExpression : 'import' | ImportExpression 'set' | ImportExpression literalString ; TypeSpec : 'methods' | 'fields' | 'arguments' | 'classes' ; Reference : 'reference' | 'references' ; GROUP_EXPRESSION : 'count' | 'first' ; Types : 'type' | 'types' ; RELATIONAL_OPERATOR : '<' | '<=' | '=' | '!=' | '>=' | '>' ; UncalledPolymorphic : 'uncalled' 'polymorphic' ;
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