
import (Java)/using (C#/CIL) — Set a list of packages or namespaces to search for classes


import [set] [string...]

using [set] [string...]


Since the any operator has been added to the language, you will usually use that as an alternative to specifying the complete clasws name, rather than specifying a specific class search path with import.

You will commonly use the class simple set expression as the foundation of your queries, and it can become tiresome to type the complete class name each time. You can use this command to specify a list of packages to search for a named class. Each supplied string is a package name. You can use the import command as many times as you want to add additional packages to the list; if you use the set keyword with the import command the list is cleared before packages are added.

The result of the command is the set of strings (packages) that are in the list.

Note that this command approximates a Java import statement only very roughly; it does not actually interpret the strings you supply as package names; it only preprends each in turn with a "." to the string you supply when looking for a class object with the class set expression.



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