
uncorrelated — Change members of a set to another, specified set


uncorrelated ( set expression )


Sometimes, the language will call for a transform and you will want the output of the transform to be a known set of objects, regardless of the input of the transform; that's where uncorrelated is useful. This transform replaces each of the members of the input set with the result of the set expression argument provided.

Because set expression is evaluated for each member of the input set, you will often want to use uncorrelated together with the execute operator for better performance.


This set expression finds all the methods in classes within the org.eclipse.ui package that contain more than one catch of the exception ExecutionException. Note the intersection of a set resulting from a regular transform with the uncorrelated set to check for membership in the uncorrelated set; note also the use of execute with the uncorrelated set.

    1 < count of
            execute catches of any class "ExecutionException"
        catches in
methods in
classes in
    packages in
package "org.eclipse.ui"

Applies to Type


Results in Type

The result type is the type of the supplied set expression argument.

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